Sunday, 18 December 2016

henri poincare


"Invention consists in avoiding the constructing of useless contraptions and in constructing the useful combinations which are in infinite minority."

“If we knew exactly the laws of nature and the situation of the universe at the initial moment, we could predict exactly the situation of the same universe at a succeeding moment.”

A font made from a portrait of Henri Poincare. This process, like the Umberto Eco version is ongoing, in fact work in progress


Tuesday, 1 November 2016

vicit pudorem libido timorem audacia rationem amentia

Lust conquered shame; audacity, fear; madness, reason

Vicit pudorem libido timorem audacia rationem amentia. (Cicero, Pro Cluentio, VI.15)

In rhetoric, zeugma (i/ˈzuːɡmə/ or /ˈzjuːɡmə/; from the Ancient Greek ζεῦγμα, zeûgma, lit. "a yoking together"[1]) and syllepsis (/sɪˈlɛpsɪs/; from the Ancient Greek σύλληψις, sullēpsis, lit. "a taking together"[2]) are figures of speech in which one single phrase or word joins different parts of a sentence.[3]

Friday, 24 June 2016

femme au mirroir

Femme au Mirroir, version 1

In the same way* as I made Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, this is Femme au Mirroir. 

* Recreate a Picasso painting using only the items I have at home (which can include my own self)

To then add another layer of process, I used Deepart to combine two image styles and input my photo collage with the Picasso painting with the two following results:

Femme au Mirroir, version 2Femme au Mirroir, version 3

Friday, 6 May 2016

les demoiselles

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon

You know what has happened here; probably don't need to say anything more, I'll just leave it there.

To then add another layer of process, I used Deepart to combine two image styles and input my photo collage with the Picasso painting with the two following results:

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

work in progress

Updates for the bio page

There's exhibition news (featuring the above images), music video news, and getting publications into national collection's news, and... nope, you'll just have to go to the news / bio page

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

google image (poem, maybe)

Another month of images, the project continues. This is October and these are the secondary words, ie. the google search descriptions of the images:

Happy October Shanna Hatfield

Wave pull my oeuvre
Digital marketing blog car tracking
Joe Cross “Fat, sick and nearly dead”. See how Joe lost ninety pounds

the eight beauty products you need when travelling
I've rounded up fifteen of my favorites, and hope you'll find them just as helpful!
go-one Evo-R- Go-One Velomobiles
How did you get into the wedding industry?

Bang2write Q: “Is GOOD Screenwriting About GREAT Dialogue?” >> NO!!
Experienced Pilates instructor and mum of three Jo Smith. Classes in Epping, Loughton and London. 1:1's, duo's and small group private classes available
On Demand Search & Replace Plugin Our WordPress search and replace plugin allows you to make
Comic Humour Couple Fight, angry wife "yes, yes, the poets are right..." [7 EUR]
Everything is ok when you have two elephant men around you
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four days left for early bird

Job search and design: everything you need to know
Easton Corbin - Baby Be My Love Song (Lyrics)
Wisdom Hunters » A Friend's Rejection... Wow! A great devotional read when u click on it. So sad when someone does not know why goodbye was forcibly said
Busy girl! Walking arm-in-arm with her bodyguard, award-winning

For all the gas you buy in a given year, chances are good you won't be allowed to claim a credit on your tax return for the federal fuel taxes you paid.
Super hero boy thank you notecard
Keep calm because FUCK YOU that’s why
3 - Add a Statement saying “Please select exactly five” or similar and set a logic to always jump back to the first question where all ingredients were ...
EMU – In EMUs one power car (motor coach) is required for three coaches so for an EMU has 12 coaches in length will have 4 power cars & mainly runs ...
Awake, come, blow and spread…