Saturday, 15 July 2017

Monday, 29 May 2017

if you're in Paris...


An exhibition of new Oupeinpo work, produced in collaboration - 13 June at l'Autre Livre bookshop in Paris.

Prints and publication are available to purchase, details how:

telling in full, lancaster

I am delighted to announce that I will be exhibiting a book work in Telling in Full, at Lancaster University. I write as if my piece is a major feature, however it is very small and the content is minimalist, the headline act of Telling in Full is PJ Harvey and Paul Mudoon. Just to be a tiny part of this line up is very exciting for me, a long time fan of PJH.

collaborative working - trees


I have been asked to write a piece for inclusion in a book about trees and language - a visual interpretation of language. Numerous ideas have branched out from the initial request, some of which are shown here, but as the book is pre-publication, I will leave out most details. 

Do I get bonus points for puns?


rorschach pattern making

This started with print outs of two Rorschach tests, collaged together and made into a repeat pattern. And has inspired a new project on Instagram